Betsy depends on her electric alarm clock every morning to get up for school. What energy transformation happens to Betsy’s alarm clock to wake her up in the morning a sound energy is converted to electrical energy be electrical energy is converted to thermal energy say chemical energy is converted to kinetic energy. The electrical energy is converted to sound energy.

The correct answer is: The electrical energy is converted to sound energy.

The correct energy transformation that happens to Betsy's alarm clock to wake her up in the morning is that electrical energy is converted to sound energy.

The energy transformation that occurs in Betsy's alarm clock to wake her up in the morning is the conversion of electrical energy into sound energy. Here's how you can understand it:

1. Start with the question: What energy transformation happens to Betsy’s alarm clock to wake her up in the morning?
2. Identify the initial form of energy: In this case, it's electrical energy because the alarm clock runs on electricity.
3. Identify the final form of energy: The final form of energy in this case is sound energy because the alarm clock produces sound.
4. Visualize the process: When Betsy's alarm goes off, an electric current flows through the alarm clock's circuit. This current is transformed into vibrations, usually by a speaker or a buzzer. These vibrations cause the surrounding air molecules to vibrate as well, producing sound waves that travel to Betsy's ears.
5. Understand the energy transformation: Electrical energy is converted into sound energy as the vibrations from the alarm clock produce audible sound waves.
6. Final answer: Therefore, in Betsy's alarm clock, electrical energy is converted into sound energy to wake her up in the morning.

Remember, understanding the energy transformations in devices like an alarm clock involves identifying the initial and final forms of energy involved and understanding the processes that occur in between.