To help prevent injury, each time you participate in a vigorous activity you should be sure to include a(1 point)Responsesproper warm-up.proper warm-up.proper warm-up and cool-down.proper warm-up and cool-down.proper cool-down.proper cool-down.proper warm-up and stretching.

proper warm-up and cool-down.

To determine the correct answer, we need to evaluate each option and determine which one aligns with the best preventive measure for avoiding injury during vigorous activity.

1. Proper warm-up: A warm-up is essential before participating in any vigorous activity. It helps increase heart rate, blood flow, and body temperature, preparing the muscles and joints for exercise. This is a crucial step in injury prevention.

2. Proper warm-up and cool-down: This option includes both warm-up and cool-down exercises. While the warm-up prepares the body for activity, a cool-down helps gradually lower heart rate, prevent muscle soreness, and aid in recovery.

3. Proper cool-down: A cool-down alone is not sufficient in preventing injury during vigorous activity. While it can help lower heart rate and reduce immediate muscle soreness, it does not adequately warm up the body for activity.

4. Proper warm-up and stretching: Stretching is often included in warm-up routines, but it is not the only component. Stretching alone is not an effective preventive measure against injury during vigorous activity.

Based on the analysis, the most accurate and complete answer is "proper warm-up and cool-down," option 3. This option includes both warm-up and cool-down exercises, providing the necessary preparation and recovery for the body during vigorous activity.

To help prevent injury, each time you participate in a vigorous activity, you should be sure to include a proper warm-up.