Every day, record 10 questions you have about the world around you, never repeating a question. If you're not sure where to start, just look around you! Consider objects near and far. Think about what is above you, below you, around you, or inside of you. Watch for movements, listen for sounds, breathe in scents. Wonder about feelings and interactions. What don't you know about how these things work, what they are made of, where they came from, or how they affect one another

1. How does my phone detect my touch and translate it into actions on the screen?

2. What type of material is the table made of and how is it so sturdy?
3. How do birds know when and where to migrate during different seasons?
4. Why does the sun appear to change colors during sunrise and sunset?
5. What makes certain flowers smell so fragrant?
6. How do airplanes stay in the air without falling?
7. What causes thunder and lightning during a storm?
8. How do plants convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis?
9. How do our brains process and interpret different smells?
10. What happens during an earthquake and why do some areas experience them more frequently than others?

Here are 10 questions about the world around us:

1. How does an electric fan work to create cool air?
2. What are the ingredients and process involved in making chocolate?
3. How does a smartphone use GPS technology to accurately locate its position?
4. What causes thunder and lightning during a thunderstorm?
5. How do birds navigate and migrate over long distances?
6. What are the different layers of the Earth's atmosphere and how do they impact weather patterns?
7. Can plants communicate with each other? If so, how?
8. What is the process involved in recycling plastic and how does it affect the environment?
9. How does the human brain process and retain memories?
10. What are the factors that contribute to the formation of rainbows and why do they appear in circular shapes?

That sounds like a great way to cultivate curiosity and deepen your understanding of the world around you! Here's an example of how to come up with ten questions using the approach you described:

1. How does a microwave work?
To answer this, you can start by researching the internal components and mechanisms that generate microwaves and how they interact with food.

2. What causes thunder and lightning?
To find the answer, you can explore the science behind thunderstorms, including the discharge of electricity between clouds and the ground.

3. What are stars made of?
To unravel this question, learn about the fusion reactions happening in stars that produce elements like hydrogen and helium, as well as the life cycle of stars.

4. How does the internet work?
To understand this, dive into the concept of computer networks, data transmission protocols, and the physical infrastructure that enables global connectivity.

5. What is the purpose of DNA?
To answer this question, you can explore genetics and the role DNA plays in storing and transmitting genetic information across generations.

6. How do plants convert sunlight into energy?
Investigate photosynthesis and how plants utilize chlorophyll to harness the energy from sunlight and transform it into chemical energy.

7. What causes gravity?
Explore Einstein's theory of general relativity and the concept of spacetime to understand how mass and energy create gravitational forces.

8. Why do we dream?
Research the various theories and studies surrounding dreaming, including the potential purposes and functions of dreams in the human brain.

9. What makes certain foods taste sweet or sour?
Delve into the science of taste buds, chemical reactions, and the interaction between molecules and our taste receptors to understand the basis of different flavors.

10. How do animals navigate long distances during migration?
Discover the diverse methods employed by different species, such as magnetic sensing, celestial navigation, and even visual landmarks, to navigate vast distances.

Remember, the key is to be observant and inquisitive about the world around you. You can seek answers through books, reliable websites, scientific studies, documentaries, or by conducting simple experiments. Enjoy the process of exploring and deepening your understanding!