When a pole vaulter reaches the top of her vault, how does our potential energy compared to her kinetic energy a kinetic energy is less than the potential energy be the kinetic energy is greater than the potential energy see the kinetic energy and potential energy or the same day they kinetic energy is twice the amount of potential energy

When a pole vaulter reaches the top of her vault, her potential energy is at its maximum. At this point, her kinetic energy is zero because she has momentarily stopped moving. As she starts descending, her potential energy decreases while her kinetic energy increases. At the point of release, when she starts moving towards the ground, her potential energy is minimal or zero, while her kinetic energy is at its maximum. Therefore, at the top of her vault, the pole vaulter's potential energy is greater than her kinetic energy.

When a pole vaulter reaches the top of her vault, the potential energy and kinetic energy can be analyzed.

At the highest point, in a gravitational field, the potential energy is at its maximum. The kinetic energy, on the other hand, is at its minimum.

As the vaulter reaches the top, her potential energy is greater than her kinetic energy. This occurs because potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as she moves upward against gravity.

Therefore, the correct statement is: The potential energy is greater than the kinetic energy when a pole vaulter reaches the top of her vault.

To determine how the potential energy compares to the kinetic energy of a pole vaulter at the top of her vault, we need to understand the concepts of potential energy and kinetic energy.

Potential energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its position or condition. In this case, the potential energy of the pole vaulter is at its maximum when she reaches the top of her vault. This potential energy is stored in her body, muscles, and the pole due to the height reached.

Kinetic energy, on the other hand, is the energy of an object in motion. As the pole vaulter reaches the top of her vault, her potential energy starts converting into kinetic energy as she continues her upward momentum and begins to descend.

At the exact moment when the vaulter reaches the top, her kinetic energy and potential energy are equal. This is because all her potential energy has been converted into kinetic energy during the upward motion of the vault. At this point, her potential energy is zero, and her entire energy is in the form of kinetic energy.

However, as the pole vaulter starts descending, her kinetic energy gradually decreases while her potential energy starts increasing again. This continuous energy transformation between potential and kinetic energy occurs throughout the entire process of pole vaulting.

So, in summary, at the top of her vault, the pole vaulter's kinetic energy is equal to her potential energy, but as she descends, her kinetic energy decreases and her potential energy increases.