Conjugate the verbs in the parentheses to create a complete sentence

I (eat) pizza for dinner.

To conjugate verbs in parentheses and create a complete sentence, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence.
2. Determine the tense and mood required by the context.
3. Select the appropriate verb form based on the subject and tense/mood.
4. Conjugate the verb form according to the subject's person and number.
5. Place the conjugated verb in the sentence.

For example, let's conjugate the verb "to write" (in parentheses) in the present tense with the subject "I":

(I, to write) ----> I write.

Here's another example with the verb "to eat" in the future tense with the subject "they":

(they, to eat) ----> They will eat.

Remember, verb conjugation can vary depending on the language and person/number. Make sure to refer to the specific rules and patterns of the language you are using.

To conjugate the verbs in the parentheses and create a complete sentence, we need to know the subject and the tense of the sentence. Please provide more information about the subject and the tense.