Which of the following is included in an informative text to share specific and observable ideas? (1 point)


the introduction
the introduction

concrete details
concrete details

the main idea
the main idea

cited sources
cited sources

concrete details

The correct answer is: concrete details.

To determine which of the given options is included in an informative text to share specific and observable ideas, we need to understand the purpose and structure of an informative text.

Informative texts are written to provide knowledge, facts, and information about a particular topic or subject. They aim to educate and inform the reader. To effectively convey specific and observable ideas, informative texts typically include different elements.

Now let's examine each option provided:

1. The introduction: While the introduction sets the stage for the topic and context of the informative text, it does not necessarily share specific and observable ideas. Instead, the introduction typically provides background information, introduces the main idea, and engages the reader's interest.

2. Concrete details: Concrete details are factual information, examples, or evidence that support and illustrate the main ideas. They help to make the information more specific, observable, and credible. Therefore, concrete details are indeed included in an informative text to share specific and observable ideas.

3. The main idea: The main idea is the central point or thesis statement of the informative text. It encapsulates the overall message or purpose of the writing. However, the main idea itself may not always be specific and observable. Nonetheless, it helps guide the presentation of specific ideas in the text.

4. Cited sources: Cited sources refer to the external references or evidence used to support the information presented in the informative text. While cited sources contribute to the credibility and reliability of the text, they may not directly share specific and observable ideas. They serve as supporting evidence or additional information.

Based on this analysis, the option that is included in an informative text to share specific and observable ideas is "concrete details." These details provide specific, factual, and observable information that strengthens the points made in the text.