John is cooking cupcakes, the recipe calls for 3 3/10 cup of flour. He accidentally put in 3 5/8 cups.. how many extra cups did he put in?

To find the extra cups John put in, we need to subtract the requested amount from the amount he put in.

3 5/8 cups can be written as an improper fraction: 3 5/8 = 29/8 cups.

Therefore, the extra cups John put in are 29/8 - 3 3/10 cups.

We should first convert 3 3/10 cups to an improper fraction.
3 3/10 = (3 * 10 + 3) / 10 = 33/10.

Now, we can subtract: 29/8 - 33/10.

To get a common denominator, we multiply the numerator and denominator of the first fraction by 10, and the numerator and denominator of the second fraction by 8.
(29/8) * (10/10) = 290/80, and (33/10) * (8/8) = 264/80.

Therefore, 29/8 - 33/10 = 290/80 - 264/80 = (290 - 264) / 80 = 26/80.

Now, we can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2.
26/80 = (26/2) / (80/2) = 13/40.

So, John put in an extra 13/40 cups of flour.

To determine how many extra cups of flour John put in, we need to find the difference between the amount he used (3 5/8 cups) and the amount required in the recipe (3 3/10 cups).

To make the fractions easier to work with, we can convert them to improper fractions:
- The amount John used, 3 5/8 cups, can be converted to (24/8 + 5/8) = 29/8 cups.
- The amount required in the recipe, 3 3/10 cups, can be converted to (31/10) cups.

Now we subtract the amount required from the amount used:
29/8 cups - 31/10 cups

To do this, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions (a number that both denominators can divide into evenly). In this case, the least common denominator (LCD) is 40.

Converting the fractions to a common denominator:
(29/8) * (5/5) = 145/40 cups
(31/10) * (4/4) = 124/40 cups

Now we can subtract the fractions:
145/40 cups - 124/40 cups = 21/40 cups

Therefore, John put in an extra 21/40 cups of flour.

To find out how many extra cups of flour John put in, we need to subtract the correct amount from the amount he actually put in.

The correct amount of flour called for by the recipe is 3 3/10 cups, and John accidentally put in 3 5/8 cups.

Converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions:
3 3/10 = (3 * 10 + 3) / 10 = 33/10
3 5/8 = (3 * 8 + 5) / 8 = 29/8

Now, subtract the correct amount from the actual amount:
29/8 - 33/10

To perform this subtraction, we need to find a common denominator for both fractions. The least common multiple of 8 and 10 is 40.

Now, let's convert both fractions to have a denominator of 40:
(29/8) * (5/5) = 145/40
(33/10) * (4/4) = 132/40

Now subtract the fractions:
145/40 - 132/40 = 13/40

Therefore, John put in an extra 13/40 cups of flour.