Cryptography is defined as

The practice of encoding information so only authorized people can read it.

Sensitive information sent over networks that needs to be secured.

The act of stealing personal information online.

Verified authority to view information, such as a password or key.

All of the above statements about cryptography are correct to some extent. Cryptography involves encoding information in a way that only authorized people can read it, thus ensuring its confidentiality. It is used to secure sensitive information sent over networks, protecting it from unauthorized access or interception. Cryptography also helps prevent the act of stealing personal information online by making it difficult for attackers to decipher the encrypted data. Additionally, cryptography relies on verified authorities, such as passwords or keys, to grant access to the secured information.

Cryptography is defined as the practice of encoding information so that only authorized people can read it. It involves the use of mathematical algorithms to convert plain text into ciphertext, making the information unreadable to anyone who doesn't possess the appropriate decryption key. Cryptography is used to secure sensitive information sent over networks and to provide verified authority to view information through the use of passwords or keys. It is not related to the act of stealing personal information online, but rather to protect it.

Cryptography is commonly defined as the practice of encoding information in such a way that only authorized individuals can read it. It is a method of protecting sensitive information, particularly when it is being transmitted over networks where it could be intercepted by unauthorized parties.

To answer this question, you can either rely on your existing knowledge or conduct a quick search using a search engine. By searching for "What is cryptography?", you can find reliable sources such as online dictionaries, cybersecurity websites, or academic articles that provide the definition of cryptography.

Remember, the key to finding accurate information is to rely on credible sources and verify the information from multiple sources if needed.