you and three freind go to the town carnival you have a coupon for $20 off that will save your group money if the total bill to get into the carnival was 100$ how much does one regular cost

1) define a variable
2) use the clue words, your variable, and the numbers to create an equation
3) solve the equation for your variable MAKE SURE TO SHOW STEPS

1) Let's define the variable as the cost of one regular ticket as "x".

2) The clue words "total bill" and "coupon for $20 off" indicate that the total bill after the discount is $100. So, the equation will be:
x - $20 (coupon) = $100 (total bill)

3) To solve the equation for the variable "x", we need to isolate it:
x - $20 = $100
x = $100 + $20
x = $120

Therefore, the cost of one regular ticket is $120.

1) Let's define the variable "x" as the cost of one regular ticket to the carnival.

2) Based on the information given, we can create the equation:
3x - $20 = $100.

3) To solve the equation for "x," we can follow these steps:
i) Add $20 to both sides of the equation:
3x - $20 + $20 = $100 + $20
3x = $120

ii) Divide both sides of the equation by 3:
3x/3 = $120/3
x = $40

Therefore, one regular ticket to the carnival costs $40.

1) Let's define the variable "x" as the cost of one regular ticket to the carnival.

2) The clue words in the question suggest that the total bill to get into the carnival is $100 and you have a coupon for $20 off. We can use this information along with the variable to create an equation.

The equation can be written as:
Total bill - Coupon discount = (Number of tickets) × (Cost of one ticket)

100 - 20 = 3x
80 = 3x

3) Now, let's solve the equation for the variable "x".

To find the value of x, divide both sides of the equation by 3:
80/3 = 3x/3
26.67 = x

Therefore, one regular ticket to the town carnival costs approximately $26.67.