Which of the following does NOT describe James Oglethrope?

a. Whealthy
b. Philanthropist
c. Royalty
d. Served as head of trustees in Georgia

c. Royalty

The correct answer is c. Royalty. James Oglethorpe was not royalty. He was a wealthy philanthropist who served as the head of trustees in Georgia.

To determine which of the given options does not describe James Oglethorpe, we need to evaluate each statement about him.

a. Wealthy: To find out if James Oglethorpe was wealthy, we can research his background and financial status. James Oglethorpe was not known for personal wealth, as his primary focus was on philanthropic and humanitarian endeavors. Therefore, option a is a possible correct answer.

b. Philanthropist: This option seems likely to describe James Oglethorpe based on historical information. He is well-known for his philanthropic efforts, founding the colony of Georgia as a place to resettle the poor debtors and provide them with a fresh start. Consequently, option b might not be the correct answer.

c. Royalty: To determine if James Oglethorpe had any connection to royalty, we can examine his family background or any titles he might have held. James Oglethorpe did not come from a royal lineage and did not hold any royal titles. As a result, option c might be a possible correct answer.

d. Served as head of trustees in Georgia: This statement is true. James Oglethorpe served as the head of the trustees who governed the colony of Georgia during its early years. Therefore, option d does not describe James Oglethorpe.

Based on the evaluation of the options, the correct answer to the question "Which of the following does NOT describe James Oglethorpe?" is option c: Royalty.