In order to decrypt an encrypted message, pass the encrypted message and the function. (2 points)

to the decrypt
• key
• cipertext
• - decrypted message
• cryptology

To decrypt an encrypted message, you would need the following information:

1. key: This is the secret or private key that was used to encrypt the message. The key is essential for the decryption process because it provides the necessary information to reverse the encryption algorithm and recover the original message.

2. ciphertext: This is the encrypted message that you want to decrypt. The ciphertext is the result of applying the encryption algorithm to the original message using the key.

3. function: This is the decryption function or algorithm that will use the key and the ciphertext to perform the reverse process and recover the original message. The function should be specifically designed to decrypt messages encrypted with the corresponding encryption algorithm.

The output of the decryption process will be:

- decrypted message: This is the original message that was encrypted. Once the decryption function is applied to the ciphertext using the key, it should produce the decrypted message, which is the exact copy of the original message before encryption.

Cryptology: Cryptology is the field of study concerned with the techniques of secure communication in the presence of third parties called adversaries. It encompasses both cryptography (the practice of secure communication) and cryptanalysis (the practice of analyzing and breaking secure communication).

To decrypt an encrypted message, you will need the following:

1. The key: The key is the secret value or password used to encrypt the message. Without the correct key, it is practically impossible to decrypt the message and obtain the original plaintext.

2. The ciphertext: This is the encrypted message that you wish to decrypt. It is the result of applying an encryption algorithm or function to the plaintext using the key.

3. The decrypt function: A decrypt function is a specific algorithm or process designed to reverse the encryption process and convert the ciphertext back into the original plaintext. The exact decrypt function used will depend on the encryption algorithm that was initially applied.

To decrypt the message, you need to apply the decrypt function to the ciphertext and provide the correct key. The decrypt function will then use the key to reverse the encryption process and produce the original plaintext message.

It's worth mentioning that cryptography is the practice and study of techniques used to secure communication. Cryptography encompasses both encryption (the process of converting plaintext into ciphertext) and decryption (the process of converting ciphertext back to plaintext).

To decrypt an encrypted message, you will need the following:

1. Encrypted message (ciphertext): This is the message that has been encoded using a specific algorithm or key.

2. Secret key: This is the unique value or algorithm used to encrypt the original message. It is essential for decrypting the message.

Now, let's go through the steps to decrypt the message:

Step 1: Obtain the encrypted message (ciphertext) and the secret key.

Step 2: Apply the decryption algorithm or function that corresponds to the encryption algorithm used. The function should be provided as part of the decryption process.

Step 3: Use the secret key and the decryption function to decrypt the ciphertext.

Step 4: Once the decryption is complete, you will obtain the original message in its readable form.

Step 5: Verify the decrypted message to ensure its accuracy.

Cryptology, or cryptography, is the field of study that pertains to securing information through encryption techniques. It involves creating protocols and algorithms to ensure confidentiality, integrity, and authentication of data.