What do most attacks on hash functions involve?

(Pick two answers)
A. Finding Collisions

B. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it.

C. Really good random guessing.

(2 points)
O Aand B
O Aand C
O Band C

A. Finding Collisions

B. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it.

The correct answer is:

- A. Finding Collisions
- B. Pre-generating millions of hashes and comparing them to the plain text that generates it.

Thus, the answer is "A and B".

The correct answer is O A and B: finding collisions and pre-generating hashes to compare with plain text.

Most attacks on hash functions involve finding collisions, which means finding two different inputs that produce the same hash output. This can be used to create forged documents or passwords.

Additionally, attackers may pre-generate millions of hashes by creating a large database of commonly used passwords or dictionary words and comparing them to the hash of the plain text. This is known as a brute force attack, where the attacker systematically tries all possible inputs until a match is found.

Option C, "Really good random guessing," is not typically involved in attacks on hash functions since random guessing is not an efficient or reliable way to break or exploit hash functions.