Select the correct answer.

Why is realism said to be a reaction to romanticism?
Unlike the romantics, realists chose to glorify topics such as war.
Unlike the romantics, realists chose to use figurative language.
Unlike the romantics, realists chose to write about beauty over sentimentality.
Unlike the romantics, realists chose to write about kings and noblemen.
Unlike the romantics, realists chose to use real-life situations over idealism.

E. Unlike the romantics, realists chose to use real-life situations over idealism.

E. Unlike the romantics, realists chose to use real-life situations over idealism.

The correct answer is E. Unlike the romantics, realists chose to use real-life situations over idealism.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the defining features of both romanticism and realism and how they differ. Romanticism was a literary and artistic movement that emphasized imagination, emotion, individualism, and the supernatural. Romantic writers often portrayed fantastical and idealized worlds and focused on personal experiences and emotions.

On the other hand, realism emerged as a reaction to romanticism and sought to depict the world as it is, rather than as it could be. Realist writers aimed for an accurate representation of reality, often focusing on everyday life, social issues, and the harsh realities of society.

Therefore, out of the given options, the correct answer is E. Realism can be seen as a reaction to romanticism because realists consciously chose to prioritize real-life situations and the depiction of the world as it is, contrasting with romanticists' tendency towards idealized and fantastical themes.