The set of ordered pairs represents a function.

(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)

O True O False


True, the set of ordered pairs represents a function. In a function, each input (x-value) corresponds to exactly one output (y-value), and in this set of ordered pairs, each x-value is unique with its corresponding y-value.

To determine if a set of ordered pairs represents a function, we need to check if each unique input (x-value) corresponds to a unique output (y-value). In this case, let's examine the given set of ordered pairs.

(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 6)

We can see that each x-value appears only once in the set. That means there are no duplicate x-values, which is a positive sign for it being a function.

Now, let's check if each y-value is unique as well.

We can see that each y-value also appears only once in the set. Therefore, there are no duplicate y-values, which further supports it being a function.

Since every unique input value corresponds to a unique output value in the given set of ordered pairs, we can conclude that the set represents a function.

So, the answer is:
