Analyze the reason that the Supreme Court found the burning of a flag to be protected free speech as it did in Texas v. Johnson.(1 point)


This action, if done on private property, is within the rights of a private citizen.
This action, if done on private property, is within the rights of a private citizen.

This action did not defame or insult anyone. It created no harm.
This action did not defame or insult anyone. It created no harm.

This action is legal as long as it is done in a respectful manner in order to dispose of an old flag.
This action is legal as long as it is done in a respectful manner in order to dispose of an old flag.

This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.

This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.

The correct response is:

This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.

The Supreme Court found that burning a flag is protected free speech under the First Amendment because it is considered a form of symbolic speech. The act of burning the flag is seen as a powerful expression of a particular viewpoint or message, even if it might be offensive or controversial to some. The Court held that the government cannot prohibit this form of expression based on its content as it would violate the freedom of speech guaranteed by the Constitution.

The correct response is:

This action is symbolic speech. The action symbolizes a viewpoint.

The reason the Supreme Court found the burning of a flag to be protected free speech in Texas v. Johnson is because they classified it as symbolic speech. Symbolic speech refers to any action, such as burning a flag, that conveys a particular message or viewpoint. The court considered burning the flag as a form of speech that communicated political or symbolic expression, protected under the First Amendment.

To arrive at this answer, one could research the Texas v. Johnson case and examine the arguments presented by both sides. Understanding the concept of symbolic speech and the history of free speech cases would also provide valuable context.