Which of the following did Andrew Jackson made the federal government subversive tot he right

It seems that the question is asking which actions Andrew Jackson took that made the federal government subversive to the rights of the people. However, the sentence is not grammatically correct and is missing some words. Here is a rephrased version of the question:

"Which of the following actions did Andrew Jackson take that made the federal government subversive to the rights of the people?"

Without the provided options, it is challenging to provide a specific answer. However, one significant action by Andrew Jackson that some argue undermined the rights of the people was the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This act resulted in the forced relocation and dispossession of Native American tribes from their ancestral lands, leading to widespread suffering and the violation of their rights.

To determine which actions Andrew Jackson took to make the federal government subversive to the right, we can examine his policies and actions during his presidency. Here are some key points to consider:

1. Nullification Crisis: One of the most significant events during Jackson's presidency was the Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833. South Carolina declared that it had the right to nullify (reject) federal laws it deemed unconstitutional. Jackson firmly opposed this idea and asserted the supremacy of the federal government. He passed the Force Bill of 1833, which authorized him to use military force to enforce federal law if necessary. This demonstrated Jackson's belief in a strong federal government and his opposition to states' rights.

2. Bank War: Jackson opposed the Second Bank of the United States, seeing it as a symbol of concentrated economic power. He vetoed the re-chartering of the bank in 1832 and withdrew government funds from it, leading to its eventual demise. Jackson's stance on the bank showed his willingness to challenge and weaken established institutions in favor of decentralization.

3. Indian Removal Act: One of the most controversial policies of Jackson's presidency was the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This act led to the forced relocation of Native American tribes, such as the Cherokee, from their ancestral lands in the Southeast to areas west of the Mississippi River. The act and subsequent Indian removal policies disregarded the rights and sovereignty of indigenous peoples, demonstrating a subversive approach to their rights.

4. Spoils System: Jackson is often associated with the introduction of the spoils system, in which he appointed loyal supporters to government positions based on political affiliation rather than qualifications. This practice undermined meritocracy and potentially compromised the effectiveness and integrity of the federal government.

By considering these actions and policies during Jackson's presidency, we can conclude that Andrew Jackson made the federal government subversive to the rights of some groups, such as Indigenous peoples and those who advocated for states' rights.

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