TJ has 12 problems left on his math test. He has solved 2/3 of the problems already. How many problems has TJ solved already?(1 point)


36 problems

24 problems

48 problems

12 problems

TJ has solved 8 problems already.

To find out how many problems TJ has solved already, we need to calculate 2/3 of the total number of problems.

Step 1: Multiply the total number of problems by 2/3:
12 x 2/3 = 8

TJ has solved 8 problems already.

To find out how many problems TJ has solved already, we need to find 2/3 of the total number of problems.

To do this, we can multiply the total number of problems (12) by the fraction 2/3:

12 * 2/3 = 24/3 = 8.

So, TJ has solved 8 problems already. Therefore, the correct answer is 8 problems.