Read the sentence.

We went to Santa Fe, which is the second-oldest city in the United States.

Which word is the action verb?

a in

b went

c which

d is

b went

The action verb in the sentence is "went."

To identify the action verb in the sentence "We went to Santa Fe, which is the second-oldest city in the United States," we need to understand what an action verb is. An action verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being.

To find the action verb in this sentence, we can ask ourselves: "Which word represents an action or a state of being?"

Let's analyze the options:

a) "in" - This word is a preposition and does not represent an action or a state of being.

b) "went" - This word is the action verb in the sentence. It represents the action of going to Santa Fe.

c) "which" - This word is a pronoun that introduces additional information about Santa Fe but does not represent an action.

d) "is" - This word is a linking verb that connects the subject "Santa Fe" to its description "the second-oldest city in the United States." It does not represent an action.

Therefore, the correct answer is b) "went."