Number of Laps versus the Day Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of Laps 18 12 10 15 13 20 9 A student was swimming laps for exercise. The table shows how many laps he swam each day. Which scatterplot shows the correct representation of the data?

Unfortunately, as a text-based AI, I am unable to view or interpret visual images such as scatterplots. However, I can help you analyze the given data and provide guidance on how to create a scatterplot.

To create a scatterplot for the given data, you can follow these steps:

1. Plot the number of laps swam on the y-axis.
2. Plot the corresponding days on the x-axis.
3. Label the axes with "Number of Laps" and "Day," respectively.
4. Use dots or points to represent each data point from the table.

Remember to consider the scale and range of the axes in order to accurately represent the data. The plot should display the seven data points in the table.

Additionally, you can describe the general trend or any patterns you observe in the data.

To determine which scatterplot correctly represents the data, we need to plot the given values on the x-axis (days) and y-axis (number of laps).

First, let's organize the data. We have the number of laps swum on each corresponding day:

Day 1: 18 laps
Day 2: 12 laps
Day 3: 10 laps
Day 4: 15 laps
Day 5: 13 laps
Day 6: 20 laps
Day 7: 9 laps

Now, we can plot these points on a scatterplot. Each point will represent a day and the number of laps swum on that day.

Scatterplot options:
1. Day 1 (x-axis) - 18 laps (y-axis)
2. Day 2 (x-axis) - 12 laps (y-axis)
3. Day 3 (x-axis) - 10 laps (y-axis)
4. Day 4 (x-axis) - 15 laps (y-axis)
5. Day 5 (x-axis) - 13 laps (y-axis)
6. Day 6 (x-axis) - 20 laps (y-axis)
7. Day 7 (x-axis) - 9 laps (y-axis)

By plotting these points on a graph, we can determine which scatterplot correctly represents the given data.

To determine which scatterplot shows the correct representation of the data, we need to plot the given values on a graph.

Let's plot the number of laps on the y-axis and the day on the x-axis.

The data points are as follows:
Day 1: 18 laps
Day 2: 12 laps
Day 3: 10 laps
Day 4: 15 laps
Day 5: 13 laps
Day 6: 20 laps
Day 7: 9 laps

Based on this data, we can plot the points on a scatterplot.

After plotting the points, we can evaluate the scatterplot options and choose the one that matches our plotted points. Please provide the available scatterplot options, and I will help you determine the correct representation of the data.