which shows a true conditional with a correctly identified hypothesis and conclusion

One example of a true conditional with a correctly identified hypothesis and conclusion is:

"If it is raining, then the ground will be wet."

Hypothesis: "It is raining"
Conclusion: "The ground will be wet"

To identify a true conditional statement with a correctly identified hypothesis and conclusion, you need to look for a statement that follows the structure "If [hypothesis], then [conclusion]." The hypothesis is the statement that comes after "if," and the conclusion is the statement that comes after "then." Here's an example of a true conditional statement:

"If it rains, then the ground gets wet."

In this statement, the hypothesis is "it rains," and the conclusion is "the ground gets wet."

A true conditional statement with a correctly identified hypothesis and conclusion is:

"If it is raining, then the ground is wet."

In this example, the hypothesis is "it is raining" and the conclusion is "the ground is wet."