the key features of the indus valley civilization include three main elements: farming methods, ___, and ___.

select two correct answers

2. trade

To determine the correct answers, let's analyze the given options:

1. Religion: The Indus Valley Civilization did have a well-developed religious system, as indicated by archaeological findings of various religious artifacts and structures. However, religion is not one of the three main elements mentioned in the question.

2. Trade: Trade was indeed a significant aspect of the Indus Valley Civilization. Excavations have revealed evidence of well-organized trade networks, including the presence of standardized weights and measures, as well as a wide range of traded goods. Trade played a crucial role in the economic prosperity of the civilization.

3. Technology: Technology was another crucial aspect of the Indus Valley Civilization. They displayed advanced engineering skills by constructing well-planned cities with elaborate drainage systems, sophisticated brickwork, and efficient granaries. Additionally, evidence of craft production, such as pottery and metalworking, suggests a high level of technological advancement.

4. Kingdoms: Although the Indus Valley Civilization consisted of numerous well-planned cities and settlements, there is limited evidence to support the existence of centralized kingdoms or states during that time. Hence, kingdoms are not considered a key feature of the civilization.

Based on this analysis, the correct answers are:
- Trade
- Technology

The two correct answers are:

1. Religion: The Indus Valley Civilization had a well-developed religious system with evidence of ritual practices and the presence of various deities.
2. Trade: The civilization was known for its extensive trade networks, both within the region and with other cultures, allowing for the exchange of goods and ideas.

The key features of the Indus Valley civilization include three main elements: farming methods, religion, and trade.