A tiger sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day . How many hours will a tiger sleep in 7 weeks?

A. 126 to 140 hours
B. 630 to 700hoirs
C. 2.5 to 2.9 hours
D. 882 to 980 hours

To find the number of hours a tiger will sleep in 7 weeks, we need to multiply the number of hours a tiger sleeps in a day (18 to 20 hours) by the number of days in 7 weeks.

Number of hours in a day = 18 to 20 hours
Number of days in 7 weeks = 7 x 7 = 49 days

Therefore, the number of hours a tiger will sleep in 7 weeks is 18 x 49 to 20 x 49 hours.

Calculating the range:

18 x 49 = 882 hours
20 x 49 = 980 hours

So the tiger will sleep for 882 to 980 hours in 7 weeks.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. 882 to 980 hours.

To calculate the number of hours a tiger will sleep in 7 weeks, we need to find the total number of hours the tiger sleeps in a day and multiply it by the number of days in 7 weeks.

Given that a tiger sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, we can calculate the minimum and maximum amount of sleep in a day by multiplying the minimum and maximum values by the number of days in 7 weeks (which is 49 days).

Minimum sleep: 18 hours/day x 49 days = 882 hours
Maximum sleep: 20 hours/day x 49 days = 980 hours

Therefore, the tiger will sleep from 882 to 980 hours in 7 weeks.

The correct answer is D. 882 to 980 hours.

To find out how many hours a tiger will sleep in 7 weeks, we need to first determine the average number of hours a tiger sleeps in a week, and then multiply that by 7.

Given that a tiger sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day, we can calculate the average number of hours a tiger sleeps in a day by adding the lower and upper limits and then dividing by 2:

(18 + 20) / 2 = 38 / 2 = 19 hours

Therefore, a tiger sleeps approximately 19 hours in a day.

Since there are 7 days in a week, we can multiply the average number of hours a tiger sleeps in a day (19 hours) by 7 to find out how many hours it sleeps in a week:

19 hours/day * 7 days/week = 133 hours/week

Therefore, a tiger will sleep approximately 133 hours in a week.

So, the correct option is A. 126 to 140 hours, as it falls within the range of 133 hours.