Which of the following describes the Sugar Act?

smugglers supported the tax because it forced merchants to pay
it removed the tax on molasses
it called for more customs officials
it enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses

The correct answer is: it enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses.

The Sugar Act was an act passed by the British Parliament in 1764. It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses and added new provisions to strengthen tax collection in the American colonies. Some key aspects of the Sugar Act include:

1. It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses: The act aimed to crack down on smuggling by enforcing the existing tax on molasses, which had often been evaded.

2. It called for more customs officials: The Sugar Act increased the number of customs officials in the colonies to help enforce the tax and prevent smuggling.

However, it is important to note that none of the options provided completely describe the Sugar Act. The act did not remove the tax on molasses; instead, it imposed stricter regulations to ensure that the tax was collected. Furthermore, it is not accurate to say that smugglers supported the tax because it forced merchants to pay. Smugglers often engaged in illegal activities to avoid paying taxes.

In summary, the Sugar Act enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses, increased the number of customs officials, and aimed to strengthen tax collection in the American colonies.

Based on the options you provided, the correct answer is:

- The Sugar Act called for more customs officials.

To arrive at this answer, we can go through each option and determine which one accurately describes the Sugar Act.

1. "Smugglers supported the tax because it forced merchants to pay" - This statement does not accurately describe the Sugar Act. The Sugar Act was implemented to crack down on smuggling and enforce stricter taxation on sugar and molasses. It was not supported by smugglers.

2. "It removed the tax on molasses" - This statement is incorrect. The Sugar Act actually increased the tax on molasses, making it more difficult for merchants to evade the tax and encouraging them to purchase sugar and molasses from British colonies rather than foreign sources.

3. "It called for more customs officials" - This statement accurately describes the Sugar Act. One of the main purposes of the act was to increase the number of customs officials in the American colonies to enforce stricter taxation and prevent smuggling.

4. "It enforced existing laws regarding taxes on molasses" - This statement also accurately describes the Sugar Act. The act aimed to strengthen and enforce the existing laws regarding taxation on molasses, making it harder for merchants to avoid paying the tax.

Therefore, the correct description of the Sugar Act is that it called for more customs officials.