Which graph represents the solution for the equation −52x−1=4x+2

?(1 point)




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Unfortunately, there are no graphs provided to select from. Please provide the options or a description of the graphs for further assistance.

I apologize, but I am unable to see the options you provided. Please kindly provide a description of the graphs or provide the graph options again so that I can assist you in identifying the correct option.

To find the graph that represents the solution for the equation −52x−1=4x+2, we need to solve the equation for the variable x and then plot the points on a graph.

First, let's solve the equation:

To get the x term on one side of the equation, we can add 52x to both sides:
−52x + 52x - 1 = 4x + 2 + 52x

Simplifying the equation:
-1 = 56x + 2

Then, we can subtract 2 from both sides to isolate the x term:
-1 - 2 = 56x + 2 - 2
-3 = 56x

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 56 to solve for x:
-3/56 = x

Now that we have the value of x, we can plot it on a graph. The x-value will be -3/56 and the y-value can be any number. Since the equation is linear, we will have a straight line representing the solution.

Without providing a visual representation of the graph, it is not possible to determine which graph from the options (a, b, c, d) represents the solution. I recommend locating and referring to the visual representation provided to determine which graph corresponds to the solution.