Which of the following accurately evaluates the relationship between government and citizens?(1 point)


Both government and citizens have obligations to each other that must be fulfilled in order for society to function.
Both government and citizens have obligations to each other that must be fulfilled in order for society to function.

Citizens have obligations to government, such as obeying the law, but government obligations to citizens are minimal.
Citizens have obligations to government, such as obeying the law, but government obligations to citizens are minimal.

Government has obligations to citizens, but citizens have no meaningful way in which to participate in government.
Government has obligations to citizens, but citizens have no meaningful way in which to participate in government.

Government has obligations only to those citizens who pay the taxes that government needs to operate.

Both government and citizens have obligations to each other that must be fulfilled in order for society to function.

Both government and citizens have obligations to each other that must be fulfilled in order for society to function.

The correct answer is: Both government and citizens have obligations to each other that must be fulfilled in order for society to function.

To arrive at this answer, you should carefully read each response option and evaluate its accuracy in describing the relationship between government and citizens. The first three options provide a balanced view of the relationship, stating that both government and citizens have obligations towards each other. However, the fourth option incorrectly suggests that government obligations are limited only to citizens who pay taxes.

Therefore, option 1 -- which states that both government and citizens have obligations to each other that are essential for society's functioning -- is the most accurate evaluation. This answer acknowledges the reciprocal relationship between government and citizens, where citizens have responsibilities like obeying laws, while the government has obligations like providing services and protecting citizens' rights.