Briona made 48 lbs of homemade cocoa to sell at a local farmer’s market.

She used half of the cocoa to make 0.75 lb bags to sell and half of the cocoa to make 0.5 lb. bags to sell.

How many more 0.5 lb bags than 0.75 lb bags of cocoa did Briona make?

A 1616
B 8080
C 66
D 0

Briona used half of the 48 lbs of cocoa to make 0.75 lb bags, which is 48/2 = <<48/2=24>>24 lbs of cocoa.

She used the other half of the cocoa, 24 lbs, to make 0.5 lb bags.
Since there are 16 oz in a lb, Briona made 24 * 16 = <<24*16=384>>384 0.75 lb bags.
She made 384/0.5 = <<384/0.5=768>>768 0.5 lb bags.
Therefore, Briona made 768 - 384 = <<768-384=384>>384 more 0.5 lb bags than 0.75 lb bags. Answer: \boxed{384}.

To find out how many 0.5 lb bags of cocoa Briona made, we need to calculate half of the total amount of cocoa she made.

Half of 48 lbs is 48/2 = 24 lbs.

Since each bag of cocoa weighs 0.5 lbs, we can divide the total amount of cocoa in pounds by the weight of each bag to find the number of bags:

24 lbs / 0.5 lbs = 48 bags.

Now let's calculate how many 0.75 lb bags of cocoa Briona made. Again, we can divide the total amount of cocoa (24 lbs) by the weight of each bag (0.75 lbs):

24 lbs / 0.75 lbs = 32 bags.

To find out how many more 0.5 lb bags than 0.75 lb bags Briona made, we subtract the number of 0.75 lb bags from the number of 0.5 lb bags:

48 bags - 32 bags = 16 bags.

So Briona made 16 more 0.5 lb bags of cocoa than 0.75 lb bags.

Therefore, the answer is C) 16.

To determine how many more 0.5 lb bags Briona made compared to 0.75 lb bags, we need to find out how many bags of each size she made.

First, we need to find out how many bags she made of each size. Since she used half of the cocoa to make 0.75 lb bags and the other half to make 0.5 lb bags, she made an equal number of bags for each size.

To find out how many bags she made of each size, we can divide the total weight she made for each size by the weight of each bag.

Number of 0.75 lb bags = (Total weight of 0.75 lb bags) / (Weight of each 0.75 lb bag)
Number of 0.5 lb bags = (Total weight of 0.5 lb bags) / (Weight of each 0.5 lb bag)

Now let's calculate each of these values.

Total weight of 0.75 lb bags = (Weight of cocoa made) * (Fraction used for 0.75 lb bags)
Total weight of 0.5 lb bags = (Weight of cocoa made) * (Fraction used for 0.5 lb bags)

Given that Briona made 48 lbs of cocoa, we can substitute these values into the equations:

Total weight of 0.75 lb bags = 48 lbs * (1/2) = 24 lbs
Total weight of 0.5 lb bags = 48 lbs * (1/2) = 24 lbs

Now, let's calculate the number of bags for each size.

Number of 0.75 lb bags = (24 lbs) / (0.75 lbs/bag) = 32 bags
Number of 0.5 lb bags = (24 lbs) / (0.5 lbs/bag) = 48 bags

Finally, let's find out the difference in the number of bags for each size.

Difference = Number of 0.5 lb bags - Number of 0.75 lb bags
Difference = 48 bags - 32 bags = 16 bags

Therefore, Briona made 16 more 0.5 lb bags than 0.75 lb bags.

The correct answer is C) 66.

can you explain it in a easier way/

Certainly! Let's simplify the explanation.

Briona made a total of 48 lbs of cocoa.

She used half of the cocoa to make 0.75 lb bags, which means she made (48/2) = 24 lbs of 0.75 lb bags.

She used the other half of the cocoa to make 0.5 lb bags, which is also 24 lbs of 0.5 lb bags.

To find out how many bags of each size she made, we can divide the total weight of cocoa for each size by the weight of each bag.

For the 0.75 lb bags:
Number of 0.75 lb bags = Total weight of 0.75 lb bags / Weight of each 0.75 lb bag
Number of 0.75 lb bags = 24 lbs / 0.75 lbs/bag
Number of 0.75 lb bags = 32 bags

Similarly, for the 0.5 lb bags:
Number of 0.5 lb bags = Total weight of 0.5 lb bags / Weight of each 0.5 lb bag
Number of 0.5 lb bags = 24 lbs / 0.5 lbs/bag
Number of 0.5 lb bags = 48 bags

To find out how many more 0.5 lb bags Briona made compared to 0.75 lb bags, we need to subtract the number of 0.75 lb bags from the number of 0.5 lb bags.

Difference = Number of 0.5 lb bags - Number of 0.75 lb bags
Difference = 48 bags - 32 bags
Difference = 16 bags

Therefore, Briona made 16 more 0.5 lb bags than 0.75 lb bags.

The answer is C) 16.