Compare the potential for bias in internet media and broadcast television.(1 point)


Internet media is less likely biased because it has producers, while broadcast media is mostly user created.
Internet media is less likely biased because it has producers, while broadcast media is mostly user created.

People view internet media as biased even though it is not.
People view internet media as biased even though it is not.

Internet media is controlled by newspapers, while broadcast media is controlled by the FCC.
Internet media is controlled by newspapers, while broadcast media is controlled by the FCC.

Internet media is more likely biased as it has no regulator, while broadcast television is regulated by the FCC.

Internet media is more likely biased as it has no regulator, while broadcast television is regulated by the FCC.

Internet media is more likely biased as it has no regulator, while broadcast television is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

The correct response is: "Internet media is more likely biased as it has no regulator, while broadcast television is regulated by the FCC."

To compare the potential for bias in internet media and broadcast television, it is important to consider the role of regulation. Broadcast television, which includes traditional television networks and cable/satellite channels, is heavily regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the United States, or similar government bodies in other countries. The FCC ensures that broadcast media adhere to certain standards and guidelines, including fairness and objectivity in news reporting.

On the other hand, internet media, including social media platforms, websites, and blogs, is not subject to the same level of regulation. While some countries have laws and regulations governing online content, the internet generally operates with a greater degree of freedom and autonomy. This lack of regulation can potentially lead to a higher risk of bias in internet media, as there is no centralized authority ensuring fairness and accuracy.

It is important to note that bias can exist in both internet media and broadcast television, as both platforms can be influenced by personal, political, or commercial interests. However, the potential for bias may be higher in internet media due to the absence of a regulating authority.