Which of the following was a belief the Quakers held? Select all that apply.

all people were equal in God's sight
nobles deserved more respect than the common man
they were against war and refused to serve in the army
women were able to preach in public

- All people were equal in God's sight

- They were against war and refused to serve in the army
- Women were able to preach in public

The beliefs held by the Quakers include:

1. All people were equal in God's sight.
2. They were against war and refused to serve in the army.
3. Women were able to preach in public.

Therefore, the correct options are:

- All people were equal in God's sight.
- They were against war and refused to serve in the army.
- Women were able to preach in public.

To determine which of the beliefs the Quakers held, we can analyze each statement and identify the ones that align with the Quaker ideology. Here is a breakdown of each belief:

1. All people were equal in God's sight: This statement is consistent with Quaker beliefs. Quakers believed in the inherent equality of all individuals, regardless of their social status, wealth, or gender.

2. Nobles deserved more respect than the common man: This statement contradicts Quaker beliefs. Quakers rejected the idea of social hierarchy and advocated for equal treatment and respect for every individual.

3. They were against war and refused to serve in the army: This statement is in line with Quaker beliefs. Quakers were known for their pacifism and opposition to war. They refused to engage in military activities or serve in the armed forces.

4. Women were able to preach in public: This statement is also true. Quakers were one of the few religious groups in the 17th and 18th centuries that allowed women to take an active role in religious services, including preaching in public.

Based on the explanation provided, the beliefs that the Quakers held are:

- All people were equal in God's sight
- They were against war and refused to serve in the army
- Women were able to preach in public