7. What role did La Malinche play in Cortés' expedition? (1 point)

a. Aztec chief

O b. Translator and ally

O c. Military strategist

Od. Religious leader

b. Translator and ally

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding who La Malinche was in relation to Cortés' expedition. La Malinche, also known as Doña Marina or Malintzin, was a Nahua woman who played a significant role during the Spanish conquest of Mexico. She served as a translator and intermediary between the indigenous people, primarily the Aztecs, and the Spanish conquistador, Hernán Cortés.

Now, let's evaluate the answer choices to determine the correct role La Malinche played in Cortés' expedition:

a. Aztec chief - This answer is incorrect because La Malinche was not an Aztec chief. She was a Nahua woman who was given to Cortés as a slave and eventually became his interpreter and advisor.

b. Translator and ally - This answer is correct. La Malinche, acting as Cortés' translator, helped facilitate communication between him and the indigenous people. She also played a crucial role as an ally, assisting Cortés in forming alliances with indigenous groups that had grievances with the Aztecs, thereby weakening the Aztec Empire.

c. Military strategist - This answer is not correct. Although La Malinche provided advice to Cortés regarding the political and social dynamics of the indigenous groups, she did not play a direct role as a military strategist.

d. Religious leader - This answer is not correct either. La Malinche did not have a role as a religious leader in Cortés' expedition. Her significance lies primarily in her role as a translator and ally.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. Translator and ally.

The correct answer is b. Translator and ally. La Malinche, also known as Doña Marina, was a Nahua woman who served as a translator for Hernán Cortés during his expedition to conquer the Aztec Empire. She played a crucial role in facilitating communication between Cortés and the indigenous peoples they encountered, which helped Cortés establish alliances and gather information about the region.