whats the right answer

How can plain folks propaganda be identified? (1 point)

when the tenets of an argument do not connect to the conclusion
when the tenets of an argument do not connect to the conclusion

when a leader attempts to connect with citizens publicly
when a leader attempts to connect with citizens publicly

when a famous person attempts to convince people to do something
when a famous person attempts to convince people to do something

when phrases with positive connotations are used as slogans

when phrases with positive connotations are used as slogans

The correct answer is: when phrases with positive connotations are used as slogans.

The right answer to the question "How can plain folks propaganda be identified?" is:

- when phrases with positive connotations are used as slogans.

To identify plain folks propaganda, look for the use of slogans or phrases that have positive connotations. Plain folks propaganda aims to create a relatable and down-to-earth image, often by using language that resonates with everyday people. By employing slogans with positive connotations, propaganda seeks to establish a connection and gain trust from the targeted audience. So, when analyzing a message or argument, pay attention to the use of slogans that appeal to positive emotions or ideas associated with ordinary people.