Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

To make sure the groceries would last the entire week, the troop leader gave each camper a daily ration of food.(1 point)






The answer that best matches the word "ration" is "portion."

The word in italics, "ration," means a fixed amount of food that is given to someone. To choose the best answer, we need to find the option that is most closely related to the concept of a fixed amount of food.

A. "Expense" refers to the cost of something and does not relate to the idea of a fixed amount of food.
B. "Menu" refers to a list of food options, but it does not specifically refer to a fixed amount of food.
C. "Meal" refers to a complete serving of food, which is not the same as a fixed amount of food.
D. "Portion" refers to a specific amount or share of something, and in this context, it closely matches the idea of a fixed amount of food.

Therefore, the best answer that matches the word in italics, "ration," is "portion."