Thad found a website for his research about the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following is a clue that the source may not be reliable and valid

A: The author is a college professor.
B: the site was last updated within the past month
C: the site expresses distrust in government and the legal system.
D: The information comes from the Library of Congress.

C: the site expresses distrust in government and the legal system.

C: the site expresses distrust in government and the legal system.

The clue that the source may not be reliable and valid is option C: the site expresses distrust in government and the legal system. While the other options (A, B, and D) can be considered positive factors, option C raises a red flag because an expression of bias or distrust can indicate a lack of objectivity or potential for misinformation. When evaluating the reliability and validity of a source, it is important to consider the author's credentials, the timeliness of the information, the reputation of the organization hosting the source, and the presence of any biases or questionable claims.