Which of the following best describes why some Great Plains tribes needed portable homes?

(1 point)

They were warrior societies that had to move quickly.

They were warrior societies that had to move quickly.

They traveled to new locations to find better farmland.

They traveled to new locations to find better farmland.

They were nomadic bands following the bison herds.

They were nomadic bands following the bison herds.

They were often attacked by rival tribes.

They were nomadic bands following the bison herds.

The best option that describes why some Great Plains tribes needed portable homes is:

They were nomadic bands following the bison herds.

The best answer to this question is: They were nomadic bands following the bison herds.

To determine this answer, we can look at the information provided in the question itself. It mentions that some Great Plains tribes needed portable homes. This implies that these tribes had a need to move frequently, as they required homes that could be easily transported.

One reason why these tribes needed to move could be that they were nomadic bands following the bison herds. The Great Plains tribes relied heavily on bison for their survival, as they provided food, clothing, and other resources. Since the bison herds would migrate and graze across vast areas of land, the tribes needed to be mobile in order to follow them and ensure a stable supply of resources.

Therefore, the best answer is that the Great Plains tribes needed portable homes because they were nomadic bands following the bison herds.