What unique property of water assists in the fight against gravity when water moves from root to tip?

A: photosynthesis

B: cohesion

C: solubility

D: adhesion

B: cohesion

The unique property of water that assists in the fight against gravity when water moves from root to tip is option B: cohesion.

The correct answer is B: cohesion. Cohesion is the unique property of water that enables it to stick to itself. This property is due to the hydrogen bonding between water molecules. When water is transported from the roots to the tips of a plant, cohesion helps create a continuous column or "water stream" within the plant's vascular system.

To arrive at this answer, you can approach it in the following way:

1. Understand the question: The question asks about a unique property of water that assists in water movement from root to tip.
2. Consider the options: Look at each option provided (photosynthesis, cohesion, solubility, and adhesion) and determine whether it aligns with the described property.
3. Evaluate the options:
- Option A: Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert light energy into chemical energy, but it does not directly assist in the movement of water within the plant. Eliminate this option.
- Option B: Cohesion is the property of water that enables it to stick to itself, aiding in creating a continuous column of water within a plant. This aligns with the described property of water movement. Keep this option.
- Option C: Solubility refers to how well a substance can dissolve in another substance, which is not relevant to water movement within a plant. Eliminate this option.
- Option D: Adhesion is the property of water allowing it to stick to other surfaces, such as the walls of plant cells. While adhesion can assist in water movement within a plant, it does not specifically address the unique property described in the question. Eliminate this option.
4. Determine the answer: After evaluating the options, the best choice is B: cohesion, as it is the property of water that directly aids in the fight against gravity when water moves from root to tip.

By analyzing the given options and understanding the properties of water, you can determine the correct answer, B: cohesion.