The expression was rewritten using the ___________

Commutative Property of Addition
Commutative Property of Multiplication
Distributive Property
The expression was rewritten using the
Associative Property of Multiplication
Associative Property of Addition

Line 1 says ___+___, which could be represented using dots as ●plus+ ●●●● for a total of dots.
Line 2 says ___+___, which could be represented using dots as ●●●●plus+ ● for a total of

The expression was rewritten using the Commutative Property of Addition

The expression was rewritten using the Commutative Property of Addition.

In this case, the expression is being rewritten using the Commutative Property of Addition.

The Commutative Property of Addition states that the order of the numbers being added does not matter. In other words, a + b is equal to b + a.

In line 1, the expression ___+___ is represented as ●plus+ ●●●●. This means that there are some dots (●) added to some other dots (●●●●).

In line 2, the expression ___+___ is represented as ●●●●plus+ ●. This means that there are some other dots (●●●●) added to some dots (●).

By applying the Commutative Property of Addition, we can rearrange the dots to show that the total number of dots remains the same. So, ●plus+ ●●●● is equal to ●●●●plus+ ●.