What was a real-life consequence of the political tug-of-war that occurred during the Cold War?(1 point)


the Russian Revolution

nice industrial goods, such as American blue jeans

Leninism and Stalinism

proxy conflicts, such as the Vietnam War

proxy conflicts, such as the Vietnam War

One consequence of the political tug-of-war during the Cold War was proxy conflicts, such as the Vietnam War.

A real-life consequence of the political tug-of-war during the Cold War was proxy conflicts, such as the Vietnam War. The Cold War was characterized by a power struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union, with both sides trying to expand their influence and spread their ideology. However, instead of directly engaging in an all-out war, they often supported and funded smaller conflicts in other countries, such as the Vietnam War, where the United States backed South Vietnam and the Soviet Union supported North Vietnam. Proxy conflicts allowed both superpowers to exert their influence without directly confronting each other, but it also resulted in significant human suffering and geopolitical consequences in the affected regions.