To create an image that is not harmonious, an artist could

(1 point)

change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.
change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.

use a shading technique that would cause the highlights and shadows to blend seamlessly.
use a shading technique that would cause the highlights and shadows to blend seamlessly.

change all organic shapes to geometric shapes to create a cubist portrait.
change all organic shapes to geometric shapes to create a cubist portrait.

use patterns of color in the background to emphasize light showing through the leaves.

None of the given options directly address creating an image that is not harmonious. However, the option that is unrelated to creating harmony is "use patterns of color in the background to emphasize light showing through the leaves."

The correct answer is:

change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer worked together.

To create an image that is not harmonious, an artist could change the proportions of the facial features so they no longer work together. This can be achieved by deliberately altering the size and positioning of the eyes, nose, mouth, and other facial elements, resulting in a lack of balance and coherence in the overall composition.

Alternatively, the artist could use a shading technique that causes the highlights and shadows to blend seamlessly. This can create a smooth and realistic appearance, but it can also undermine the visual impact of the artwork by eliminating the contrast and depth that provide a sense of harmony.

Another option is to change all organic shapes to geometric shapes, specifically to create a cubist portrait. Cubism is an artistic movement that aims to depict multiple viewpoints of a subject simultaneously, breaking down the subject into geometric fragments. This intentional distortion of forms can create a sense of dissonance and discord in the image.

Lastly, an artist could use patterns of color in the background to emphasize light showing through the leaves. By incorporating contrasting and vibrant colors, such as warm yellows and cool blues, and arranging them in a repetitive pattern, the artist can intentionally disrupt the overall harmonious composition.

In conclusion, there are several ways for an artist to create an image that is not harmonious, including changing proportions, using shading techniques, transforming organic shapes to geometric shapes, and incorporating patterned colors.