Which of the following is a definition of theme?

(1 point)

the physical location of a story
the physical location of a story

a recurrent image or action in a story
a recurrent image or action in a story

a universal idea communicated in a story

a universal idea communicated in a story

The definition of theme is: a universal idea communicated in a story.

To determine which of the options is a definition of theme, we'll need to understand what a theme is. A theme is the central message or underlying idea that the author wants to convey in a story. It is a universal concept or a recurring idea that is explored throughout the narrative.

Now let's evaluate the provided options:

1. "The physical location of a story" does not represent the definition of theme. It refers to the setting, which is the time and place in which a story takes place. Therefore, this option is not the correct answer.

2. "A recurrent image or action in a story" is not a definition of theme either. It describes a motif, which is a recurring element that adds depth and symbolism to a story. This option is incorrect.

3. "A universal idea communicated in a story" accurately represents the definition of theme. It highlights that a theme is a broad, overarching idea that can be understood and interpreted by readers universally. This option is the correct answer.

Hence, the correct definition of theme is: "a universal idea communicated in a story."