What is a primary goal of conservationism?

(1 point)

to protect natural resources

to protect natural resources

to support traditional American values

to support traditional American values

to consolidate power in the hands of Congress

to consolidate power in the hands of Congress

to regulate the railroads running across the American W

The primary goal of conservationism is to protect natural resources.

The primary goal of conservationism is to protect natural resources.

To determine the primary goal of conservationism, we can consider the provided answer choices and analyze which one aligns with the principles and objectives of the conservationist movement.

The answer "to protect natural resources" is repeated twice and is the most accurate representation of the primary goal of conservationism. Conservationism aims to promote the responsible and sustainable use of natural resources, while also ensuring their preservation for future generations. This includes efforts to conserve land, water, wildlife, and forests, as well as reducing pollution and promoting eco-friendly practices.

The other answer choices of "to support traditional American values" or "to consolidate power in the hands of Congress" are not primary goals of conservationism. While conservationists may value traditional American values and environmental regulation by Congress can be an important aspect of conservation efforts, these are not the central objectives of conservationism.

Therefore, the correct answer is - the primary goal of conservationism is to protect natural resources.