Based on the tables showing the price of buying different amounts of two brands of sugar, Suman determined that Sweet Sugar was the better buy based on price alone. How much money per pound will Suman save if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand?

To determine how much money per pound Suman will save if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand, we need to compare the prices of the two brands.

Let's assume the price of one pound of Sweet Sugar is P1, and the price of one pound of the other brand (let's call it Brand X) is P2.

To calculate the amount of money saved per pound, we subtract the price of one pound of Brand X from the price of one pound of Sweet Sugar:

Money saved per pound = P1 - P2

By comparing the prices of the two brands in the tables, you can find the corresponding prices for Sweet Sugar and Brand X. Once you have those values, subtract the price of Brand X from the price of Sweet Sugar to calculate the money saved per pound.

To determine how much money per pound Suman will save if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand, we need to compare the prices of the two brands. Let's assume the price of Sweet Sugar is X dollars per pound, and the price of the other brand is Y dollars per pound.

If Suman buys 1 pound of Sweet Sugar, he will pay X dollars. Let's assume he buys N pounds of sugar in total.

If he buys the other brand, he would pay Y dollars per pound, so for N pounds, he would pay N * Y dollars.

To find out how much Suman will save if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand, we subtract the total price of the other brand from the total price of Sweet Sugar: N * Y - N * X.

Since Suman determined that Sweet Sugar was the better buy based on price alone, it means that N * X < N * Y, or X < Y.

Therefore, Suman will save (N * Y - N * X) dollars in total. To find out how much he saves per pound, we divide this total by N:

(N * Y - N * X) / N = Y - X.

So Suman will save Y - X dollars per pound if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand.

To determine how much money per pound Suman will save if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand, we need to compare the prices per pound of the two brands.

First, find the price per pound for each brand. Look for the tables that show the price of buying different amounts of sugar for each brand. Locate the prices for 1 pound of sugar for both Sweet Sugar and the other brand.

Next, calculate the difference in price per pound between the two brands. Subtract the price per pound of the other brand from the price per pound of Sweet Sugar.

For example, if Sweet Sugar costs $1.50 per pound and the other brand costs $2.00 per pound, the difference in price per pound would be $2.00 - $1.50 = $0.50.

Therefore, Suman will save $0.50 per pound if he buys the Sweet Sugar brand compared to the other brand.