whar is the meaning of the song "you know what i mean" by yot club

The song "You Know What I Mean" by Yot Club does not seem to be a widely recognized or popular song. Therefore, it may not have a well-known meaning or interpretation. It is possible that the meaning of the song can only be deduced from its lyrics and personal interpretation. However, without more information about the song or its context, it is difficult to determine its exact meaning.

To determine the meaning of a song, it is important to consider various factors such as the lyrics, the artist's intentions, and the overall context.

However, as an AI text-based model, I do not have real-time access to specific songs, so I am unable to give an accurate interpretation of "You Know What I Mean" by Yot Club. To understand the meaning of the song, I suggest listening to the lyrics closely, researching the artist's background and influences, and reading interviews or articles where the artist may have discussed the song's inspiration or message. Additionally, you can also explore the reactions and interpretations of other listeners or fans through online forums or social media platforms.

The song "You Know What I Mean" by Yot Club does not currently exist in popular music databases or platforms. It's possible that the song belongs to a local or independent artist, or that it has not been widely released. Without more context or information, it is not possible to provide the meaning of the song lyrics.