In 1–2 sentences, explain how the application of two medical innovations in the 1800s improved the standard of living during the Industrial Revolution.(2 points)

The development of anesthesia allowed for pain-free surgeries and medical procedures, improving the standard of living by making medical treatments more accessible and less traumatic. The discovery of antibiotics like penicillin helped to treat and cure infectious diseases, reducing mortality rates and increasing life expectancy, ultimately improving the standard of living during the Industrial Revolution.

Two medical innovations that improved the standard of living during the Industrial Revolution were the development of anesthesia, which allowed for painless surgeries and increased medical procedures, and the discovery of antibiotics, which revolutionized the treatment of infectious diseases and reduced mortality rates.

Two medical innovations that improved the standard of living during the Industrial Revolution were the development of anesthesia, which allowed for less painful surgeries and medical procedures, and the discovery of germ theory, which led to improvements in hygiene and disease prevention.

To find this answer, you can start by researching medical innovations during the 1800s. Focus on innovations that had a direct impact on healthcare and living conditions. Some key terms to search for could be "medical innovations 1800s" or "medical advancements Industrial Revolution." Look for information that specifically mentions anesthesia, germ theory, or any other medical breakthroughs that improved living standards.