The distance from earth to the sun is 2.6 times 10^7. What is the distance from earth to the sun? write your answer in scientific notation to the 1 decimal place.

The distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately 2.6 × 10^7 miles, or in scientific notation, 26,000,000 miles.

To write the distance from Earth to the Sun in scientific notation to the 1 decimal place, we can express it as:

2.6 x 10^7

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the Sun in scientific notation is 2.6 x 10^7.

are you sure?

Apologies for the mistake. To write the distance from Earth to the Sun in scientific notation to 1 decimal place, we need to round the value to 1 decimal place, which means the power of 10 should remain unchanged. The distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately 2.6 x 10^7 miles.

what is that to the 1 decimal place?

To write the distance from Earth to the Sun in scientific notation to 1 decimal place, we need to round the coefficient (2.6) to 1 decimal place. The rounded value would be 2.6.

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the Sun in scientific notation to 1 decimal place is 2.6 x 10^7.

To find the distance from Earth to the sun in scientific notation, we can first convert the given value to scientific notation.

The given distance is 2.6 times 10^7 (in standard form).

To convert this to scientific notation, we need to move the decimal point so that there is only one non-zero digit to the left of the decimal point.

In this case, we can move the decimal point to the left 7 places, resulting in the number 2.6.

Since we moved the decimal point to the left 7 places, we need to multiply the number by 10^7 to maintain the same value.

Therefore, the distance from Earth to the sun in scientific notation is 2.6 x 10^7.

Remember that in scientific notation, the number before the "x" represents the decimal part, and the exponent after the "x" represents the power of 10.