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What is a good description of bacterial reproduction? (1 point)

slow reproduction through normal reproduction

slow reproduction through binary fission

rapid reproduction through binary fission

fast reproduction through normal reproduction

A good description of bacterial reproduction would be "rapid reproduction through binary fission." Bacterial reproduction occurs through the process of binary fission, which is a form of asexual reproduction where one bacterial cell divides into two identical daughter cells. This process is usually rapid, allowing bacteria to multiply and proliferate quickly.

A parent bacterial cell is able to survive in the presence of the antibiotic penicillin. Subsequent generations from this parent will be _______ penicillin.(1 point)


dependent on
dependent on

resistant to
resistant to

removed by
removed by

vulnerable to

Subsequent generations from a parent bacterial cell that is able to survive in the presence of the antibiotic penicillin will likely be "resistant to" penicillin. The ability to survive in the presence of the antibiotic suggests that the parent bacteria possess some form of resistance mechanism, which can be passed down to subsequent generations. Therefore, the offspring bacteria are more likely to be resistant to penicillin as well.

Something that potatoes and bacteria have in common is that they both reproduce(1 point)


via vegetative reproduction.
via vegetative reproduction.

using tubers.
using tubers.

not normally.

via binary fission

Something that potatoes and bacteria have in common is that they both reproduce "not normally." Both potatoes and bacteria have reproductive mechanisms that are different from typical sexual reproduction seen in many organisms. Potatoes reproduce through vegetative reproduction, where new plants grow from the existing parts of the potato, such as the tubers. On the other hand, bacteria reproduce through binary fission, where one bacterial cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Therefore, the correct response for this question is "not normally."