hen an animal is present in the area of a flower and pollen is transfered from its fur to another plant within the area, we call this process(1 point) Responses fertilization fertilization photosynthesis photosynthesis pollination pollination reproduction


When an animal is present in the area of a flower and pollen is transferred from its fur to another plant within the area, we call this process pollination, which is the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive organ (stamen) to the female reproductive organ (pistil) of a flower.

The correct answer to this question is pollination.

Pollination is the process where pollen grains are transferred from the male part (anther) of a flower to the female part (stigma) of another flower, resulting in fertilization and the production of seeds. This transfer of pollen can occur through various means, including wind, water, and animals.

In the specific scenario mentioned, when an animal, such as a bee, is present in the area of a flower, it may unintentionally pick up pollen grains on its body (such as fur or legs) while feeding on nectar. When the animal moves to another flower, some of the pollen may be transferred from its body onto the stigma of the second flower, thus enabling pollination to occur.

So, the process being described here is pollination.