Which of the following is an accurate description of how culture can unify societies?(1 point) Responses

Culture can unify societies through the use of ethnocentrism, which helps glorify a culture.

Culture can unify societies by causing nativism to occur.

Culture can unify society through the use of centrifugal force.

Culture can unify societies by providing a set of guidelines for people to live by, which creates shared identity.

Culture can unify societies by providing a set of guidelines for people to live by, which creates shared identity.

The accurate description of how culture can unify societies is:

- Culture can unify societies by providing a set of guidelines for people to live by, which creates shared identity.

The correct answer is: "Culture can unify societies by providing a set of guidelines for people to live by, which creates shared identity."

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand how culture can bring societies together. One way culture achieves this is by providing a set of guidelines for people to live by, which creates a shared identity. This means that when people adhere to the beliefs, values, customs, and behaviors of their culture, it fosters a sense of belonging and connection among them. They share similar experiences, knowledge, and practices, which helps to create unity within the society. This shared sense of identity contributes to social cohesion and can unify diverse individuals within a society.