The Philippines and Indonesia have become more ____________ recently, due to movements that became popular and started winning elections?



The Philippines and Indonesia have become more democratic recently, due to movements that became popular and started winning elections.

To determine the correct answer, we need to look at recent political movements in the Philippines and Indonesia and their effects on elections. Here is how you can find the answer:

1. Search for recent political movements in the Philippines: Start by searching for information about political movements that have gained popularity and won elections in the Philippines. Look for specific terms like "recent political movements in the Philippines" or "popular political parties in the Philippines."

2. Search for recent political movements in Indonesia: Similarly, search for information about political movements that have gained popularity and won elections in Indonesia. Use search terms like "recent political movements in Indonesia" or "popular political parties in Indonesia."

3. Compare the nature of the movements: Examine the ideologies and nature of the movements in both countries. Look for indications of whether they align with democratic, autocratic, or communist principles.

4. Analyze election outcomes: Look for evidence of how these movements fared in elections and whether they have contributed to changes in the political landscape of the Philippines and Indonesia.

By conducting these searches and analyzing the available information, you should be able to determine whether the Philippines and Indonesia have become more democratic, autocratic, or communist recently.