What 3 Strategies can you use to figure out the meaning of an unknown word? List the words and definitions.

1. Context Clues: Use the surrounding words or sentences to understand the meaning of the unknown word. Pay attention to the words, phrases, or information that provide clues about the word's meaning.

2. Word Parts: Break down the unknown word into its various parts, such as prefixes, suffixes, or roots, and determine their meanings. Then, combine these meanings to arrive at the meaning of the unknown word.
3. Dictionary: Look up the unknown word in a dictionary to find its definition, pronunciation, and any additional information related to its usage or synonyms.

1. Context Clues: Pay attention to the words and sentences surrounding the unknown word. Look for other words or phrases that can give you clues about the meaning. For example, if you see the sentence "The dog was barking ferociously," the word "ferociously" indicates that the dog was barking aggressively or in a fierce manner.

2. Word Parts: Break down the unknown word into its parts, such as prefixes, suffixes, and root words. Try to determine the meaning of each part and how they contribute to the overall meaning of the word. For instance, if you come across the word "unhappiness," you can identify the prefix "un-" which indicates negation or reversal, and the root word "happy," which means a state of joy or contentment. Therefore, "unhappiness" would mean the opposite of happiness.

3. Dictionary: If you have exhausted your efforts using context clues and word parts, consult a dictionary for the precise definition of the unknown word. Look for multiple definitions and examples of how the word is used in different contexts to fully understand its meaning. In this case, you would need to use a dictionary to find the specific definitions of the unknown words mentioned in the previous strategies (e.g., "ferociously," "un-", "happy," "unhappiness").

To figure out the meaning of an unknown word, you can use the following three strategies:

1. Context clues: Analyzing the surrounding words and sentences can provide helpful information about the meaning of the unknown word. Look for synonyms, antonyms, or other words that provide hints or clues about the meaning. Pay attention to the tone or mood of the text, as it can also indicate the intended meaning. For example, consider this sentence: "The little girl was ecstatic when she received a brand new bicycle for her birthday. She couldn't wait to ride it." From the context, you can infer that the word "ecstatic" means extremely happy or excited.

2. Word formation: Examining the structure of the unknown word can help you decipher its meaning. Look for familiar roots, prefixes, and suffixes, as they often carry specific meanings. You can use resources like dictionaries or online word-building tools for this strategy. For instance, considering the word "unhappiness," you can break it down into "un-" (a prefix meaning not), "happi-" (a root meaning joy), and "-ness" (a suffix indicating a state or condition). From these components, you can infer that "unhappiness" means the opposite of joy or being not happy.

3. Word association: Sometimes, an unknown word is similar to another word you already know. By comparing the unfamiliar word to known words or related concepts, you can make an educated guess about its meaning. This strategy works particularly well when the unfamiliar word bears a resemblance to a known word from the same language or has a cognate in another language. For example, if you encounter the word "amplitude," you may realize that it shares a root with "ample," which means plentiful or abundant. Based on this association, you can deduce that "amplitude" refers to a considerable extent or magnitude.

Remember, these strategies are not foolproof and may not always provide an exact definition. However, they can help you make educated guesses and build your vocabulary over time.