if you add 1 inch to 3 5/8 inches how many inches would it be

To add 1 inch to 3 5/8 inches, you can convert 3 5/8 inches to a fraction with a common denominator.

3 5/8 inches is the same as (3*8 + 5)/8 = 29/8 inches.

Now, adding 1 inch to 29/8 inches:

29/8 + 1 = (29/8) + (8/8) = 37/8 inches.

Therefore, when you add 1 inch to 3 5/8 inches, it would become 37/8 inches.

To add 1 inch to 3 5/8 inches, we need to convert 3 5/8 into a fraction with the same denominator as 1.

First, we convert 3 to the same denominator as 8, which is 8. This becomes 24/8.

Now we can add the fractions:

24/8 + 5/8 = (24 + 5) / 8 = 29/8

So, adding 1 inch to 3 5/8 inches would give you a total of 29/8 inches.

if you add 1 inch to 2 7/8 inches how many inches will you have

To add 1 inch to 2 7/8 inches, we will convert 2 7/8 to an improper fraction.

2 7/8 = (2 * 8 + 7) / 8 = 23/8 inches.

Now, we can add the fractions:

23/8 + 1/1 = (23/8) + (8/8) = 31/8

So, adding 1 inch to 2 7/8 inches would give you a total of 31/8 inches.


To add 37/8 and 31/8, we can simply add the numerators and keep the denominator the same:

37/8 + 31/8 = (37 + 31)/8 = 68/8 = 8 4/8

We can simplify 8 4/8 by dividing the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 4:

8 4/8 = 8*(4/4) + 4/8 = 8 + 1/2 = 8 1/2.

So, 37/8 + 31/8 equals 8 1/2 inches.

8 1/2 times 2

To calculate 8 1/2 times 2, we first convert 8 1/2 into an improper fraction:

8 1/2 = (8 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 17/2

Now, we can multiply:

17/2 * 2 = (17 * 2) / 2 = 34/2 = 17

Therefore, 8 1/2 times 2 equals 17.

an ant walks all the way around a triangle drawn in the dirt. two of the detentions of the triangle are 5 1/10 centimeters and 7 1/5 centimeters. the total distance by the ant is 20 centimeters. what is the length of the third triangle?

To find the length of the third side of the triangle, we can subtract the sum of the two given sides from the total distance traveled by the ant.

Total distance = Sum of two given sides + Length of third side

Length of third side = Total distance - Sum of two given sides

Total distance = 20 centimeters
Given side 1 = 5 1/10 centimeters
Given side 2 = 7 1/5 centimeters

First, we need to convert the mixed fractions to improper fractions:
Given side 1 = (5 * 10 + 1) / 10 = 51/10 centimeters
Given side 2 = (7 * 5 + 1) / 5 = 36/5 centimeters

Now, we calculate the length of the third side:
Length of third side = 20 - (51/10 + 36/5)
= 20 - (51/10 + 72/10)
= 20 - 123/10
= 200/10 - 123/10
= 77/10
= 7 7/10 centimeters

Therefore, the length of the third side of the triangle is 7 7/10 centimeters.