Randi needs to mow her lawn. The mixture requires 5 gallons of gas for every 2 gallons of oil. How much oil will she need for 8 gallons of gas? Your answer should be in tenths.(1 point)

If the mixture requires 5 gallons of gas for every 2 gallons of oil, then the ratio of gas to oil is 5:2.

To find out how much oil Randi needs for 8 gallons of gas, we can set up a proportion:
5/2 = 8/x

Cross-multiplying, we get:
5x = 2 * 8
5x = 16

Dividing both sides by 5, we get:
x = 16/5 = 3.2

Therefore, Randi will need 3.2 gallons of oil for 8 gallons of gas.

To find out how much oil Randi will need for 8 gallons of gas, we can use the ratio given in the problem: 5 gallons of gas for every 2 gallons of oil.

Step 1: Set up a proportion:

5 gallons of gas / 2 gallons of oil = 8 gallons of gas / x gallons of oil

Step 2: Cross multiply:

5 * x = 8 * 2

5x = 16

Step 3: Solve for x:

x = 16 / 5

x = 3.2

Thus, Randi will need 3.2 gallons of oil for 8 gallons of gas.

To find out how much oil Randi will need for 8 gallons of gas, we can use the ratio provided: 5 gallons of gas for every 2 gallons of oil.

First, we need to determine the ratio of gas to oil: 5 gallons of gas : 2 gallons of oil.

Next, we can set up a proportion to find the amount of oil needed for 8 gallons of gas:

5 gallons of gas / 2 gallons of oil = 8 gallons of gas / x gallons of oil

Cross-multiplying the ratio, we have:

5 * x = 2 * 8

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides by 5:

x = (2 * 8) / 5

x = 16/5

This means that Randi will need 3.2 gallons of oil for 8 gallons of gas.

Therefore, the answer is 3.2 gallons of oil.